
Showing posts from February, 2021

Pros and cons of techonology in the teaching classes

When it comes to techonology in teaching classes always are pros, but may be at the beginning seems to be a problem for those who are not into this field.  You have to start for the basics, because there are lots of products for teachers and mayba it can create doubts about what is the best web or resource to use. So maybe the cons are the wide variety of resources that you have, but this is also a pro because you always can try something new until you find that one tha fits to your teaching style and deliver the better outcomes for your students. Another con is that you need time to test this resoucers before your classes, and also need time to master in the use of it. And also you need to invest time to teach your students that tool that you think is the better for them.  The best you can do is try what your colleagues are using or maybe read at forums on internet.

A new path

Never was on my plans to become an english teacher, but fate drove me here. It was motivating to learn english an be able to talk and share my point of view in other language than my mother tongue. When I finished the classes I thought that would not be a bad idea to be able to teach the language, because is a way to continue learning. So I searched a course to learn methods and techniques to learn how to teach and I'm here.