A new path

Never was on my plans to become an english teacher, but fate drove me here. It was motivating to learn english an be able to talk and share my point of view in other language than my mother tongue. When I finished the classes I thought that would not be a bad idea to be able to teach the language, because is a way to continue learning. So I searched a course to learn methods and techniques to learn how to teach and I'm here.


  1. Yes! Teaching is a great journey and you will become a great teacher. I wish you all the best!

  2. Great Job, Marco. I am sure you will be a great teacher

  3. You are in the right path !!!! Preparing yourself to be the wonderfull teacher that you will be !!!! Keep working hard :)

  4. It's a different journey to learn to teach English. So patience and persistence is needed. So good luck on that!


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